Research Area: Land use and development, Population, Governance and Planning

Research team: Beer, A., Crommelin, L., Vij, A., Dodson, J., Dühr, S. and Pinnegar, S.  


This Inquiry examines the capacity of Australia’s smaller cities to assist in managing population growth, including international and national migration; and provides advice on which policy instruments and programs are most likely to redirect population movements to these places. The Inquiry comprises a number of projects: 

Final Report: Beer, A., Crommelin, L., Vij, A., Dodson, J., Dühr, S. and Pinnegar, S. (2022) Growing Australia’s smaller cities to better manage population growth, AHURI Final Report No. 386, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne. 

Read the final report

Project A: Li, T., Denham, T., Dodson, J. and Vij, A. (2022) The economic dynamics and population change of Australia’s regional cities, AHURI Final Report No. 385, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne. 

Read the Project A report

Project B: Vij, A., Ardeshiri, A., Li, T., Beer, A. and Crommelin, L. (2022) Understanding what attracts new residents to smaller cities, AHURI Final Report No. 375, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne. 
Project C: No-one from CMVI 

Read the Project B report