Provost & Chief Academic Officer

The Provost & Chief Academic Officer is responsible for enhancing UniSA’s educational offerings and the planning and development of the University’s academic programs. The Provost & Chief Academic Officer’s Portfolio leads the University’s strategies to develop and innovate across our curriculum, and enhance the use of digital technologies to facilitate learning.  

Further information about the key priorities and strategic projects within the Provost & Chief Academic Officer’s Portfolio are detailed in the UniSA Teaching and Learning Framework.

The Provost & Chief Academic Officer’s Portfolio includes UniSA's seven Academic Units: 

The Provost & Chief Academic Officer is also responsible for the following professional units:

Portfolio contacts     

Professor Joanne Cys
Provost & Chief Academic Officer
Ph: (08) 8302 4523

Ms Emily Adcock
Portfolio Manager, Office of the Provost & Chief Academic Officer
Ph: (08) 8302 1119

Ms Josefina Atienza
Project Officer, Office of the Provost & Chief Academic Officer
Ph: (08) 8302 7787

Ms Tenille Porcaro
Executive Assistant to the Provost & Chief Academic Officer
Ph: (08) 8302 0495

For further information please contact:
Office of the Provost & Chief Academic Officer
University of South Australia
Level 4, Hawke Building
55 North Terrace
SA  5000