Have you previously completed a Drone Notification for this drone?

You are required to observe and comply with the terms and conditions of University policies, procedures, codes and guidelines. As such you must complete the Drone Notification (Click here to complete Drone Notification) for each aircraft and Approval for Drone Operations prior to each flying campaign (flying campaign is a flight or series of flights for a single purpose).

Does this field trip form part of a legitimate academic course or research activity endorsed by UniSA?
Are all RPAS operations to be conducted by a licenced commercial operator?
Has the RPAS operator’s licence/ReOC been viewed and is it current?
Has the RPAS operator’s certificate of insurance been viewed and is it current and compliant with their ReOC?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted in accordance with the conditions listed in the schedule for the ReOC or other regulatory Approvals, Permissions, or Exemptions?
Does the RPAS have a take-off weight less than 2kg?
Will the RPAS be operated only by a UniSA staff member with a current RePL?
Will the RPAS be operated only in accordance with the conditions of that staff members RePL?
Does this staff member have written permission from the landowner(s) to fly over their land?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted at less than 400ft AGL?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted outside of controlled airspace or restricted airspace?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted outside 3NM (5.5km) of any aerodrome, including any Helicopter Landing Site or Aircraft Landing Area listed in ERSA?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted outside of the approach or departure path of a runway or over a movement area?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted over a non-populous area?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted greater than 30m from any person not directly involved in the operation of the RPAS and 15m for those who are?
Will all operations be conducted within Visual Line Of Site?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted during the day between sunrise and sunset and in clear/visual meteorological conditions?
Will all RPAS operations be conducted within standard Local, State or Federal regulations?
Will all RPAS operations be free of hazard to other aircraft, another person, or property?

Note: If you answered “No” to any of the above questions other than, “Are all RPAS operations to be conducted by a licenced commercial operator?” then (a) flight approval will not be granted, and (b) in addition to submitting this form, please contact Prof Anthony Finn (email: anthony.finn@unisa.edu.au, mobile: 0404 856 989) to discuss further options.