Focusing on key elements of the creative industries 

Research undertaken by UniSA's Creative People, Products and Places (CP3) Research Centre examines the integral factors comprising the creative industries and their catalysts, drivers and outcomes. The research is diverse, interdisciplinary and conducted with the guiding principle of promoting thriving artistic sub-cultures and creativity as an essential form of expression.

CP3 research is mobilised around three nodes:

Creative People (led by Professor Susan Luckman): who makes art, media and culture and in what conditions? How easy is it to make a living? Is creative work open to all equally, and what is needed to make creative work flourish? This node uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to understand who makes art, media and culture and under what conditions.

Creative Products (led by Dr Saige Walton): what kinds of art, media and culture is being made and circulated? How are their products made, and what kinds of industries and institutions shape them? Under what conditions are they consumed? How are they valued, and with what consequences for our economic, social and political life?

Creative Places (led by Professor Justin O’Connor): creative ecosystems are rooted in particular places. How do art, media and culture reflect the communities around it? How do the cultural and creative industries intersect with the spaces of the city, and its policy and planning regulations? What kind of spaces are best suited to promote a flourishing creative ecosystem, and how do places connect with regional, national and global flows of money, people, ideas and products?

Research activity in CP3 is aligned with the University's 'Transforming Industries' and 'Transforming Societies' research themes, and the Digital and Creative Industries industry sector.

Contact us to find out more about collaborating with our research team.