About the study

UniSA is seeking healthy adults aged 19 to 74 for an assessment at the University of South Australia City East Campus. Participants will be age and gender matched for comparison to previous participants with chronic lower back pain.

What is involved?

Part 1: An online or face-to-face questionnaire about your lifestyle and overall health. This can be completed prior to the assessment and will take approximately 30 minutes.

Part 2: The in-person assessment involves gentle leg movements, with plenty of rest, while lying on your back. The measures are abdominal ultrasound and breathing. The assessment will take approximately one hour at the Clinical Trials Facility, Level 1, Bonython Jubilee Building, Frome Road,  University of South Australia City East Campus.

Eligibility requirements

  • Gender: All
  • 19 – 74 years  Adults to match ages of previous participants.

Healthy adults without chronic (greater than 3 months) pain.

No history of cancer, neuropathy or neurological signs (tingling, numbness), breathing issues (for example interstitial lung disease, heart failure, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), headaches or surgery within three months.


If you are interested in participating or would like more information about the study, please email: unisa.researchvolunteers@unisa.edu.au or phone: 8302 1365

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia's Human Research Ethics Committee Ethics Protocol 203542