06 September 2016

The Hawke EU Centre will host Professor Alison Phipps (University of Glasgow, GRAMNet) as a European Thinker in Residence for one month in November 2016. Professor Alison Phipps is Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies, and Co-Convener of Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRMNET). She has undertaken work in Palestine, Sudan, Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Germany, France, USA, Portugal and Ghana.

The objective of the EU Thinker in Residence is to pursue avenues for dialogue with key policy makers and key media networks on the topic of migration and refugee policy in Australia and Europe. Professor Phipps will disseminate press releases, actively pursue media networks and assist the UNESCO Chair in building a network of EU-Australian policy dialogue. She will have budget to travel within Australia to other EU Centres and relevant institutions to raise the public profile of issues related to migration, refugees and displacement, and to develop strategies for pathways forward. 

It is expected that Professor Phipps will seek to publish top tier publications during her time in residency, and that these will be distributed to the relevant networks.


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