“Learning about Australian culture has been so exciting and I have loved going to university. Everyone just wants to talk with you and get to know you. It is life-affirming and puts you in a great mood.”

Ida Kaergaard

What did you enjoy most about studying at UniSA?

I enjoyed the great community around campus and that UniSA is full of life. It was so nice having the coffee shop in the middle of the City West campus, and I enjoyed attending the Community Garden on the rooftop of the Jeffrey Smart building before class.

Why did you choose Adelaide and what was your first impression? What do you like most about Adelaide?

I chose Adelaide because it is a smaller city than e.g. Sydney and Melbourne. I like that you get to know the city from the inside out. I also like the nature here and people are not as busy as they are in bigger cities. I’ve loved going for a run around the River Torrens.

Has the UniSA Buddies Program made it easier for you to make friends and/or to get involved in the UniSA community?

Definitely. I really liked the introduction/welcoming week. The buddies were so good at doing stuff with us and talking to us. Early on they encouraged us exchange students to get together and introduce ourselves and we are now all really good friends. All the effort the buddies put into the program is really amazing.

How would you describe the quality of teaching staff? How have they supported you during your studies?

I have been really impressed and happy with most of my teachers. I like that they are so friendly and actually want to get to know you.

How do you think UniSA will help you succeed in your career?

I have been very happy with UniSA. I have learnt some good practices, which will help me in my career. The tutorials especially have given me a lot and we had one talking about our future careers, which was really helpful. I am one step closer to achieving my goal.

What do you think of the campus facilities? Do you have a favourite spot on campus?

I always went to the library. It is super big with so many spots - both quiet spots and groups rooms, which I used a lot.

If you were to describe life in Adelaide to someone who hasn’t been here before, what would you say?

Adelaide is a nice city with heaps of fun and cool things to do and see. People are super friendly and the city is for everybody. You can go to the city where the parties, shopping and many people are, but you can also go by yourself to more quiet places but still be right in the city. I love that Adelaide has the best of both worlds.

What has been the best experience so far? Are there any strong memories you'll take home with you?

The best experience has definitely been university life. Learning about Australian culture has been so exciting and I have loved going to university. Everyone just wants to talk with you and get to know you. It is life-affirming and puts you in a great mood. It is so much fun and you get to know so many new people.