Framing the National Nuclear Debate
The University of South Australia and UCL Australia present this high-profile series of public lectures and forums on the future of South Australia becoming a Nuclear State under the banner of Framing the National Nuclear Debate.
This suite of events will feature both research experts in the physical and social sciences, arts, community and industry representatives, and politicians.
The program will consist of keynote events (some lecture format, some debate or “in-conversation” format) themed around: The “Big Picture”; Economic; Health and Wellbeing; Defence; Legal and Governance; Science and Technology; and Art.
This series of events is co-presented by the University of South Australia and UCL Australia.
Recent events
Radiation Health Risks from Nuclear Accidents -
Facts and Fantasy
Professor Gerry Thomas, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Imperial College London.
Friday 16 September 2016
Watch the YouTube video HERE
Professor Geraldine "Gerry" Thomas emphasises the prevalence of misconceptions related to radiological risk as well as the range of factors that can influence both dose and exposure to radiation.
Gerry was called to appear before the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission in South Australia in October to answer the Commission’s questions regarding the effects and threats of radiation. Gerry is also a member of University College London (UCL) Australia’s Nuclear Working Group.
South Australia - a Nuclear State in a Global Solution
Keynote: Rear Admiral the Honourable Kevin Scarce AC CSC RAN (Rtd)
Wednesday 1 June
Watch the YouTube video HERE
Internationally, predictions of nuclear’s demise in a carbon constrained world seem implausible. South Australia is uniquely placed to contribute to a world seeking energy from nuclear sources because of its abundant uranium resources, and the particular combination of geological, political and technical factors required to safely undertake permanent used fuel disposal. The benefits from being a Nuclear State would be game changing.