BOOKED OUT! The Night Sky - 10 week course
Course duration: 10 weeks - Tuesday nights
Course time: 7.30pm-10pm - including tea/coffee break
Cost: $240 per person
Astronomy Lecturer: Paul Curnow
09 January - 12 March 2024
Ever wondered how astronomers find their way around the night sky? Come and learn how to find the different constellations (patterns) in the sky and learn about the mythology related to them. Learn about the nine planets (including Pluto) in our solar system and some of the moons orbiting them. Discover the history behind astronomy and how early astronomers worked out the distances to stars, the magnitude of stars and more about the deep sky wonders of our galaxy.
Learn about purchasing your first telescope and the best places to view the night sky. This is one of the few courses in the world that has access to a planetarium as a teaching tool.
*This course is aimed at the adult beginner - children under 16 not permitted.