Posted 16/04/2014 by: Professor David Lloyd

The common denominator in everything I’m talking about here is, of course, change. Change (like other stuff) happens. It’s not intended to make things worse – most people don’t mind change, as long as they’re not being changed.  My view is that we have to take this on together and not shirk from improving how we operate. Where we’ve identified the need for structural change, we are calling it out clearly and we’re implementing transparent change processes. In our drive to integrate services across the university, we are looking at coordination, not centralisation – and that is a very important distinction. I also think it is important that we consider why we are advancing change. There is no hidden agenda here to reduce headcount or to dramatically re-profile our workforce – we have seen ‘transformation’ in that context in other universities nationally, but that is not the course for UniSA. Rather, through implementing our strategically identified changes, openly, together, we intend to co-create Australia’s University of Enterprise, working effectively and efficiently at a whole of enterprise level, taking a whole of institution perspective in our actions, delivering for our customers, our stakeholders and for each other.

Professor David Lloyd

Through The Big Picture, I hope that our whole community gains a greater and current appreciation of what is going on, how it fits together and how our activities connect and reinforce each other at a whole of enterprise level.


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