Accounting and Finance Business Management and HRM Marketing Property Tourism, Sports and Events
Architecture Communication Contemporary Art Creative Industries Design Film, Television and Visual Effects Journalism Urban and Regional Planning
Biomedical Science Health Science Human Movement, Sport, Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory Medicine Medical Radiation Science Nursing or Midwifery Nutrition and Food Sciences Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Podiatry Speech Pathology
Aboriginal and Australian Studies Arts Human Services Languages Psychology Social Work
Aviation Construction Management Defence Engineering Environmental Science Information Technology Mathematics Science
29 May 18
Prostate cancer survivors more susceptible to chronic diseases
25 May 18
Australia’s favourite cereal now a whole lot healthier, thanks to UniSA
24 May 18
MOD. inspires new UniSA student podcast
18 May 18
UniSA joins with Dassault Systèmes to give students a 3DEXPERIENCE in engineering education
UniSA hosts international space competition to support space industry innovation in South Australia
14 May 18
Smart drones and deep learning deliver low-cost precision agriculture for Aussie farmers
11 May 18
UniSA employs hi-tech research to boost state’s timber industry
10 May 18
UniSA’s $247m Cancer Research Institute opens - an epicentre for cancer and aligned research
08 May 18
New research to get medicines right for older Australians
07 May 18
What works to help our most vulnerable kids?
Pridham Hall launched and ready for some sporting action
01 May 18
Year 12s need more support to choose what to study at uni
27 Apr 18
Hello, this is your (UniSA) captain speaking…
20 Apr 18
$20k pitch brings Australian Aboriginal artefacts to the world
Millennials up for online tech-friendly residential property investments
19 Apr 18
UniSA leads the way on healthy strategies to cope with city life
18 Apr 18
UniSA honours the State’s ‘most connected expat’ in London
17 Apr 18
UniSA research supports low cost, low emissions innovation in refrigeration technology
13 Apr 18
UniSA to lead project providing Australians with safer medicines
11 Apr 18
Curious to know what it’s like to be in the line of fire?
Champion of renewable energy awarded Honorary Doctorate at UniSA
10 Apr 18
How does your fitness compare with an elite athlete?
UniSA best in the world for brand management research
West End architectural pioneer made a UniSA Fellow
09 Apr 18
UniSA awards opera singer, composer and arts leader, Deborah Cheetham an Honorary Doctorate
Citizen Science: trapping mozzies at home to detect disease
UniSA’s Pridham Hall opens its heart and its doors to graduates
06 Apr 18
New needle device to revolutionise biopsies and reduce scarring
Australian business must call ‘me too’ when it comes to sexual harassment training
05 Apr 18
MOD. puts the universe in your hands
03 Apr 18
Flex your creative genius in retail and win $25,000
27 Mar 18
Australian vaccine innovation set to strike out Zika and Chikungunya in one go
23 Mar 18
UniSA to lead research and education into social enterprise
13 Mar 18
Conference looks at big data, AI, the Internet of Things and the future of learning
Small price to pay to support brain cancer research
07 Mar 18
UniSA launches the “executive suite” of food and wine marketing courses
05 Mar 18
UniSA welcomes two giants from the legal and literary worlds
02 Mar 18
Silence around stillbirth a major issue for bereaved parents
28 Feb 18
Forget me not: kids creating dementia-friendly communities