13 August 2020

Building on UniSA’s engagement with the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Dean of External Engagement and Executive Director of the Hawke EU Jean Monet Centre for Excellence and Network, Professor Anthony Elliott, has been appointed a Visiting Professor at Paris II.

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Building on UniSA’s engagement with the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Dean of External Engagement and Executive Director of the Hawke EU Jean Monet Centre for Excellence and Network, Professor Anthony Elliott, has been appointed a Visiting Professor at Paris II.

The appointment for the academic year 2020-21 will see Prof Elliott working in collaboration with Professor of Political Science Jean-Jacques Roche and contributing to the Higher Institute of Armament and Defense Laboratory as well as Paris II’s Masters Program in Defense and Industrial Dynamics.

Sharing his expertise on the sociological impacts of Industry 4.0 and the coming tide of artificial intelligence, Prof Elliott will engage with students and researchers and deliver several lectures on the topic: Artificial Intelligence and the Future World Order.

While travel has been restricted because of the impact of COVID-19, UniSA has in recent years offered short term exchanges and related programs with University Paris II and is strengthening its international research collaboration with the university, focusing on international relations as well as the defence and space sectors.

Prof Elliott says that despite all the barriers the pandemic has raised across the globe, significant international academic collaborations are still thriving, and while he hopes to be able to travel to France sometime next year – technologies are already allowing significant engagement. 


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