The objective of this project was to design an adaptive narrative & visual language that articulates the journey of South Australian workers from one area of the workforce to another. This project focussed on on-shoring call centres/contact centres triggered by the COIVD-19 impact on workforces overseas.

Table top with student workkpost it notes

About this Project and its Outcomes:

Using available data the MIT Insights Dashboard the narrative would communicate to government, policy makers and potential investors how they can develop a sustainable and resilient workforce for this sector that includes consideration of cultural, environmental, social and economic factors that will contribute to the short- and long-term growth of the sector.

This project was to design and build a dashboard that visualizes mobility behaviour and economic growth in South Australia. The basis of this dashboard is founded on the lab’s previous studies which support that the diversity of amenities within a neighbourhood accurately predicts human mobility ("flows") between neighbourhoods and that the diversity of inflow of people accurately predicts neighbourhood economic growth. This tool will be used to assist the South Australian government in pinpointing focus areas for urban development to drive greater diversity in human flow, or more interactions between people of different socio-economic backgrounds, and consequently more economic opportunities. The tool will provide insights and based on those the government will be enabled to take different measures to help the economy flourish. For example, using our previous findings this tool will help identify zones of economic and social opportunities for private investors and locations for government services. The Government can then provide this information to a private investor about where there is a higher chance of success or encourage industries to move into those opportunity zones which are places where there is some tax relief for businesses that add value to the local economy. These zones provide non-cash incentives like a tax break to encourage the right type of investments that lead to the right kind of mix required for further economic growth.

project group photo, students and academicsstudents and academics meetingtabletop of student work