12 December 2023

Digitisation at the Border

In 2023, the Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Dr Louis Everuss, was invited to present in two separate research conferences/roundtables on his research being published in his forthcoming book titled Digital Mobilities and Smart Borders: How Digital Technologies Transform Migration and Sovereign Borders.

The first of these events was a research roundtable on the topic of 'Migration Services: Mapping what is happening and what we know'. The Roundtable was convened by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society and hosted by the University of Sydney Law School. Dr Everuss's paper critically compared the integration of Automated Decision-Making in processes of bordering - deciding who can enter a sovereign state - in the EU and Australia.

The second presentation was a contribution to the opening panel of the 2023 UNSW Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law. In the Panel Dr Everuss described the different types of digital technologies that are being incorporated into digital borders and some of the concerns that are being identified about those technologies.


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